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Begin to End of Studying Abroad

On this page, you will see the process that I went through from applying for the study abroad program to coming back. Please email me if you have any questions!


01 Applying for MIX

30 November 2022

Only program currently that offers study abroad in Korea. 

04 Attend Orientation for MIX

15 February 2023

Mandatory to attend!!!

07 Applying for Shidler Travel Scholarship

28 March 2023

Submit all documents by the priority deadline as advised by Shidler. 

Results: 05 July 2023

10 Applying for Visa

07 July 2023

Make sure you got all the documents. Check out some of my tips below! Here is also the link to the Visa site and the Guide by MIX program.

Results: 26 July 2023

02 Accepted to Abroad Program

23 January 2023

Email Notification received for nominator to study abroad at Yonsei University. 

05 Applying Yonsei University

12 April 2023

Complete the necessary details Yonsei's requires in the app. 

Results: 18 May 2023

Can upload insurance on the later date provided (around July).

Admis. Packet rec.: 20 June 2023


08 Pre-Departure Orientation for Korea

15 May 2023

Mandatory to attend! Helpful if you want to know what apps will be useful while abroad.

11 Bought Plane Ticket - Korean Air

11 July 2023

Expensive near flying out date, so buy a bit earlier. If you are worried, best to submit your insurance info for your abroad university early, which then you will receive admission packet early so you can get your visa processed. 

03 Complete Canvas Course for MIX

01 February 2023

Finished pre-departure online learning course by MIX.

06 Applying for Gilman Scholarship

09 March 2023

Provide all necessary essays and confidential information to apply.

Results: 12 May 2023

09 Applying for Dorm

13 June 2023

Very Competitive (make sure good wifi and to have all info ready to fill out the app.). 

Results: 15 June 2023

Paid: 20 June 2023

12 Waiting to Depart

Departure Date: 22 August 2023


As a student in college, I understand the financial challenge of studying abroad. Especially because I didn't want to rely on my parents, I was looking for as many opportunities as possible to apply for scholarships to support my study abroad dream. So please use the information I provided to your advantage. 

Pen and folders

Tips for Submitting Korea Student Visa Application

  1. Submit all required documents for your host university ASAP, so you can get your admission packet.

  2. Prepare your personal documents the day before going to the Consulate. 

  3. Required documents for Visa include: 

    • ​​Completed App. Form​

    • Valid Passport + additional color copy 

    • Passport photo (size: 2x2) --> got mines at Walgreens

    • State Issued ID + additional color copy 

    • Business Registration Certificate + COA (adm. packet)

    • Letter of Acceptance (adm. packet) (could be an email of Yonsei saying you got accepted)

    • Official Transcript (from UHM, has to be recent no later 1 month)

    • Study Plan (short paragraph of your plans abroad, you can use a bit of the one you used for host university application

    • 3 months of Bank Statements under your name or parents (if parents, then need your parents passport copy just in case)

    • Letter of Recommendation from the outbound coordinator or professor (must have because the office will ask you to give one even though there website doesn't say required)

  4. Be patient & kindly wait! ​

  5. People at the consulate are pretty nice, don't give them attitude. 



About Me

Hi my name is Olivia. I come from a Chinese family but was born and raised here on Oahu. Traveling is one of my hobbies besides enjoying delicious food. I hope you are excited to learn about my adventure in South Korea.


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